Images Not Loading In iMessage In iOS 16? (Fixed!)

images not loading in imessage

Images not loading in iMessage

Images not loading in Messages on iPhone running iOS 16? Only image name and size are displayed in the conversation thread, but the media isn’t automatically downloading? The download icon isn’t working either? You’re not alone!

Images Not Loading iMessage Issue?

This issue has been reported by Daria (iOS 16.4.1):

“Images aren’t loading in message conversations anymore? Is it because of this update?”

We couldn’t replicate this issue but have found similar complaints on Reddit:
1: “iMessage Pictures not Showing.”
2: “ios 16 pictures in imessages not downloading.”

How To Fix Image Not Loading in iMessage

There doesn’t seem to be an universal solution at the moment. We recommend you to try the following troubleshooting options:

1. Cycle Messages App

First, try to force quit Messages from the App Switcher.
Re-open the app a couple of seconds later and access a conversation. Are images downloading?

2. Reboot iPhone

Next step is to reboot your device. We recommend you to perform a force restart:

How to: Briefly click & release Volume Up, followed by Volume Down and press & hold the Side Button until you see the Apple logo on the screen!

3. Reset Network Settings

If the problem persists, you have to reset the network settings.

Important: This will erase your WiFi settings so make sure that you know the password to be able to reconnect. (Here is how to check it!)

Go for Settings -> General -> Transfer or Reset iPhone -> Reset -> Reset Network Settings.

Credits: Thanks Superb_Neighborhood8 for sharing this fix!

Have you managed to fix images not loading in Messages? Do you have a better solution? Share your feedback in the comments!

Related: You aren’t able to iMessage yourself after updating to iOS 16? Here is what you can do to fix it!