Tag: Bonus

Pokemon GO Thanksgiving Event

Pokemon GO Thanksgiving Celebration Doubles XP And Stardust Earned By Trainers

Following the successful Halloween event which unfolded almost one month ago, Pokemon GO hosts yet another in-game celebration labeled ‘Thank You’. It starts today and ends on November 30th. This new event comes to celebrate Thanksgiving 2016 and is also intended to thank worldwide Trainers for embarking in this addictive augmented reality adventure. Catching Pikachu…

Pokemon GO First catch of the Day Bonus.

Pokemon GO Gets Daily First Catch Bonuses, Prioritized Gym Placing & Quicker Gym Prestige Meltdown

Niantic has just released version 1.15.0 for Pokemon GO, more than two weeks after adding colors to incubating eggs. This is an update that focuses on encouraging Trainers to hunt daily, by helping them out to gain XP quicker and progress towards the higher levels of the game. The Gym defending and conquering system has…