This Message Has Not Been Downloaded From The Server? Fix!

this message has not been downloaded error

This message has not been downloaded error

This message has not been downloaded from the server error shows up in Mail when opening an unread email? Message details such as title and sender are there but the content of the email is missing?

This Message Has Not Been Downloaded Error?

This Mail problem has been reported by Ivy:

“i’m getting a strange error message in Mail: ‘this message has not been downloaded from the server’. device is connected to the Internet! any tips?”

It happened to me a couple of days ago too. The error hints that there is a lack of communication between the mail app and Apple’s servers or whatever other email account you’re using Gmail, Yahoo, etc.

How To Fix This Message Has Not Been Downloaded Error

Here are the recommended troubleshooting options:

1. ReOpen Mail app

In my case, it was enough to force close Mail and reopen it. This made the missing body text of the email message to show up:

  • Swipe-up from the bottom of the screen to open App Switcher.
  • Dismiss the Mail card to force quit the app.
  • Return to Home Screen and open Mail again. Open the message that failed to load. Does it work now?

2. ReAdd Email Account

If the message has not been downloaded error keeps showing up, force quitting Mail can be come annoying. The next step is to remove and re-add your mail account:

  • 1. Open Settings and scroll for Mail.
  • 2. Go for Accounts.
  • 3. Tap on the [account name] that’s causing problems.
  • 4. Delete Account.
  • 5. Return to the main Mail menu and Add Account!
  • Credits: Thanks GuiM4uVe for the tip!

Have you managed to fix the message has not been downloaded issue? Do you have a better solution or other problems to report? Use the comments!

Related: Mail app asking you to rate it? Here is how to stop it!