Tips To Keep iPhone Low Power Mode Always On

low power mode automatically turned off

Low Power Mode Automatically Turned Off.

Battery lifetime has been an ongoing concern for iPhone users from all around the world. Even with the 6 and 6S models improved energy level resources, and the more and more efficient iOS versions, Apple users still need serious power management in order to make it through the day with a full charge cycle. That’s because the average time we spend on our smartphones has constantly increased offer time and will most likely continue its trend. We rely more and more on our iPhone to guide us through the daily problems and provide essential information such as weather, traffic, daily schedule, conversations and much more.

Starting with iOS 9, Apple has introduced the Low Power Mode to allow users to prolong the iPhone’s autonomy, by downclocking the CPU, disabling background app refresh, reducing motion and brightness and performing other types of energy conserving actions. Although this battery saving mode is limiting network activity and performance, it won’t significantly change the way you interact with your device.

Can I keep Low Power Mode Always On?
low power mode on at 100percent battery level Although the feature automatically kicks in when your iPhone reaches the 20% battery level mark, you can enable it sooner, or the contrary, keep it disabled until the iOS device shuts down because of lack of power. The idea of turning Low Power Mode On when the iPhone’s battery is at 100% isn’t bad at all, if you can live with the minuses described above. You can also add disabling of automatic downloads, and lack of mail fetching.
The longer the battery saving feature is enabled, the more Usage time you’ll be able to get from a full charging cycle.

How To Keep Low Power Mode On
iOS is currently set to automatically disable Low Power Mode when your iPhone is charging and the battery level reaches 80%. However, you can override this option by asking your smartphone to continue running with the battery saving mode active. This is how to do it:
1. Swipe-Left on the “Battery sufficiently charged.” prompt, displayed on your iPhone’s screen when the charging level reaches 80%.
2. Tap on View to unveil the option that allows you to re-enable Low Power Mode.
3. Hit Enable Again and your iPhone will resume saving battery.

low power mode lock screen notification

Low Power Mode Lock Screen notification.

low power mode interactive notification

Low Power Mode interactive notification.

Re-enable Low Power Mode

Re-Enable Low Power Mode

low power mode settings Tips: If at some point you need to bail out from Low Power Mode you have to do it manually from the Settings app. Browse for Battery and tap the toggle, available next to the Low Power Mode tag. The same path can be followed if you miss re-activating the battery saving mode from the prompt described above. Simply, visit Settings and turn it on manually.

Fact: If you don’t perform other changes, Lower Power Mode remains active until you connect your iPhone to a charger again and the battery level climbs back to 80%.