Verizon Cellular Service Outage After iOS 16.1.2 Update?

verizon cellular service issues

Verizon cellular service issues

Dealing with Verizon cellular service outage in iOS 16? Mobile service not working on iPhone, or you manage to connect but the Internet speeds are very slow? Issue persists even after iOS 16.1.2 update, which should fix it (according to the update log)?

Verizon Cellular Service Not Working iOS 16?

This issue has been recently reported by Jason:

“Cell service outage since 16.1.2 with Verizon in Iowa. Not sure if related but showed up after installing.”

Readers have reported mobile data and cellular connectivity issues ever since iOS 16 day-one and we’ve covered these problems here:

Verizon Cell Service Outage?

If you’re still encountering connectivity issues after iOS 16.1.2 update you could be dealing with a mobile service outage in your area.

These temporary downtimes are tracked by websites like (direct link)

If you notice a spike in the graph, many other users are reporting Verizon problems confirming the outage. Scroll to the comments section and you will find out more details.
verizon cellular service outage reports
Here are some of the most recent complaints, at the time of writing:

  • “Brooklyn, NY. Last 2 days having a problem with Verizon service. Paying for 300 MBpS but speed test show no more then 9 MBpS!”
  • “5G home internet down in west Las Vegas since 1 AM local.”
  • “Mobile service down in Minneapolis.”
  • “Out in Pittsburgh since dec 4th around 5pm until who knows.”

How To Fix Verizon Cellular Service Not Working

If your area is dealing with an outage there’s not too much you can do about it. You’ll have to wait until Verizon fixes it.

However, sometimes mobile data outages are only partial and you can get back connectivity if you apply the following tips:

1. Downgrade 5G to LTE

If Verizon 5G is down you might still be able to connect to the Internet using LTE:

  • Open Settings and go for Cellular -> Cellular Data Options -> Voice & Data.
  • Select LTE (4G).
  • Tip: Don’t forget to switch back to 5G when the issue has been fixed.

2. Cycle Airplane Mode

Sometimes, you can quickly get your cellular service back by turning Airplane Mode On and Off to force your device to reconnect to Verizon’s cellular towers.

How to: You can do this from the Control Center. Swipe-down from the top-right corner of the screen.

3. Reboot iPhone

The good old restart trick should also help if Verizon mobile data isn’t working on your device!

Julih14 confirmed that he managed to fix cellular service disconnections after iOS 16.1.2 update with a reboot.

Have you managed to fix Verzion cellular service issues on your phone? Do you have a better solution or a new downtime to report? Share your feedback in the comments.

Related: For more iOS 16 issues and available workaround we recommend you to check our extended review.