How To Turn Off Focus Suggestions On iPhone In iOS 15

Focus Suggestion On iPhone Lock Screen

Focus Suggestion On iPhone Lock Screen

Are you looking for a way to turn off Focus Suggestions on iPhone in iOS 15? These notifications are triggered by the new iOS 15 Focus modes. You’re either invited to enable a certain filter, or informed that you can configure Smart Activation based on various conditions.

Focus Suggestions On iPhone

Nevertheless these Focus notifications can become really annoying and iOS 15 doesn’t come with a setting that allows you to stop them.

A Focus Suggestion comes with two options Not Now and Always. If you tap Not Now, there are high chances that you will be prompted with the same notification in the near future.

Fact: They’re not the only unwanted alerts generated by iOS 15. Turn Off or Leave On time sensitive notifications are also amongst the list!

How To Turn Off Focus Suggestions

There are a few workarounds that you can apply to get rid of these notifications:

1. Set Up Feature And Delete

how to turn off focus automation
One way to stop the Focus Suggestions is by playing along and enabling Smart Activation when you’re prompted by the suggestion.

Next, go to Settings -> Focus -> Focus Mode -> Smart Activation and turn the feature back off. The same Focus suggestion should not bother you again.

Tip: Proceed the same with other types of Focus Suggestions. Play along and then immediately reverse the change in Settings.

2. Delete Focus Mode

how to delete Focus in iOS 15
If you’re getting Focus Suggestions for a particular mode that you’re not even using, you can simply delete that Focus and you won’t be bothered by these unwanted notifications.

How to: Browse for Settings -> Focus. Tap the Focus that you want to remove. Scroll for Delete Focus.

Have you managed to turn off Focus Suggestions on iPhone? Do you have a better solution? Use the comments section and share it with us.

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