Tag: Mask

how to send Memoji with mask

How To Add Face Mask To Memoji On iPhone & iPad (iOS 14)

Unfortunately we’re still living pandemic times and this can continue for years. Apple has quickly adapted to the situation and in iOS 14 you can add a mask to your Memoji. Face coverings are used worldwide to protect users against the novel Coronavirus. In most countries the surgical masks are mandatory indoors and in crowded…

iPhone prompts for Passcode when user wears a mask

How To Skip Face ID Authentication When Wearing A Mask

Life can get complicated during the COVID-19 pandemic! More and more countries impose mandatory mask-wearing while going out in public. This is a good strategy to loosen up the lock-downs and restart the economies all around the world. Excepting the obvious discomfort of obstructing your face, there is one more annoying inconvenience caused by this…