Tag: Selfie

Google Appsperiments for iOS.

Google Releases Selfissimo, Scrubbies And Storyboard Photo & Video Apps

Google has just rolled out three mobile apps that come along a photo & video testing project, called “appsperiments”. The company aims to explore the potential of mobile photography. The new software is available on both iOS and Android platforms and facilitates testing of various technologies like object recognition, stylization algorithms, person segmentation, efficient image…

man snapping a portait mode with iphone x

How To Shoot A Selfie In Portrait Lighting Mode On The iPhone X

Apple’s 10th anniversary iPhone is the first iOS smartphone that is able to snap a selfie and generate the impressive depth effect that highlights the subject of the photo. Until now, iPhone owners were able to shoot pictures in Portrait Mode only with the device’s rear camera. This allowed us to take Portrait Mode photos…

iphone 7 6-element camera lens

16 Tips To Shoot Photos By The Book With The iPhone 7

Apple has recently launched a new section on their official website called Photography How To. It comes with a series of video tutorials about how to correctly snap pictures with the iPhone 7 and 7 Plus flagships. Some tips can be applied to other iPhone models as well. They start with basic hints, that are…