The iOS Reduce White Point Feature Dims Your iPhone Screen Below Brightness Minimum
Don’t confuse the Reduce White Point option with the Night Shift mode, available in the iOS Control Center. Night Shift warms up the colors of your iPhone’s and iPad’s display to avoid the blue eye straining shades when it gets dark outside. It shifts the displayed color spectrum towards a friendly yellow that is better handled by human eyes.
How To Activate Reduce White Point
1. Grab your iPhone and open the Settings app, available on the iOS Home screen.
2. Tap Accessibility and open the Display Accommodations settings. Below Invert Colors and Color Filters you have Reduce White Point.
3. Hit the switch available next to the Reduce White Point label to enable the feature and unveil the intensity bar.
4. Drag the knob from left to right to increase the reducing percentage. At 100% the bright color intensity is at its lowest level.
Reduce White Point Shortcut
It’s quite annoying to have to open the settings app every time when you want to tweak this setting. Until Apple gives us the option to tweak the Control Center available shortcuts, we have to rely on the Accessibility shortcut trick. This shortcut can be configured within Accessibility and be invoked with a triple home button click.
1. Browse for Settings -> General -> Accessibility -> Accessibility Shortcut (scroll all the way down to reach it).
2. Select which Accessibility features you want to call with the help of this shortcut by taping the label. A check-sign confirms your selection.
3. Triple-click your iPhone’s home button to enable/disable Reduce White Point.
How To Dim Your iPhone Screen To The Minimum
If you want to darken your iPhone’s display to its lowest intensity proceed with the following combo:
1. Swipe up for the Control Center and bring the Brightness level to the minimum.
2. Browse to the Reduce White Point setting and set it for 100%.
This combo will make your iPhone screen extremely dark. So, dark that you can barely see a thing.
Fact: The downside with the Accessibility shortcut is that you can only enable or disable Reduce White Point and not tweak the intensity percentage. You have to test out what Reduce White Point percentage suits you best and adjust the bar from the Settings app, prior to enabling or disabling the feature.