Tip To Quickly Share Your Current Location From iPhone

Tip so send current location via iOS Messages

Tip so send current location via iOS Messages.

Did you know that you can use your iPhone to share your location, with your contacts, in just a few seconds? All that you have to do is type 4 letters, or even less, if you rely on the iOS predictive keyboard feature. This way you can easily mark the location of your parked car or share a new meeting point with your friends or family.

All that you have to do is:
1. Open the stock iOS Messages app.
2. Select the contact or the group that you want to share your location with.
3. In the new message field, type “I’m at” and hit space.
4. The “Current Location” option is suggested in the predictive text field. Tap it and your actual whereabouts will be shared.

how to send current location in Messages Fact: Unless, your Location Services are disabled and you will be prompted to turn them on. This can be done from Settings -> Privacy -> Location Services.
Tip: You also need to allow the Messages app to use your location. You can “Allow While Using App” or “Allow Once”. If you don’t want to be bothered by this prompt in the future, select the first option, else select to allow just this time and you will be asked again the next time you will use your location in Messages.

This is a hidden feature that became available in iOS 12. However, I personally only discovered it a couple of days ago. There are many other hidden iPhone tips. We plan to unveil as many of them here at iPhoneTricks.org. If you know a trick that we haven’t covered yet, don’t hesitate to mail it to us or share it in the comment section available below.

Related: How to set parked car location in Google Maps for iOS!