iPhone 14 Satellite Connectivity Feature For Emergency SOS

iPhone 14 Emergency SOS via Satellite

iPhone 14 Emergency SOS via Satellite

The new iPhone 14 Emergency SOS via Satellite option can be a life-saving feature! It allows your device to connect to a satellites and send a distress messages to first aid responders. Satellite connectivity option pops up whenever iPhone is disconnected from cellular and WiFi signal!

What Is iPhone 14 Satellite Connectivity

It’ a new feature that allows the new iPhones to detect and connect to a nearby satellite to send a distress message with vital information that will allow a dispatcher to localize you and send the most appropriate first response unit.

How iPhone 14 Emergency SOS via Satellite Works

  • 1. Whenever you want to dial 911 and your device has no carrier or WiFi connectivity the Emergency Text via Satellite option shows up in the top-right corner of the Phone app. Tap it.
    Emergency Text via Satellite
  • 2.Answer to questions front-loaded by your iPhone. Your answers will help the dispatcher to asses your situation without needing to exchange too many messages.
    Emergency SOS via satellite question
  • Tip: That’s because satellite connectivity uses low bandwidth and messages take longer to send. It’s important to keep the conversation short and brief.

  • 3. Next, point the iPhone to the direction shown on the screen to connect to a satellite. Be patient until the connection is established.
    iPhone 14 satellite connectivity
  • Tip: Keep pointing at satellite until the Connected status is displayed. It can take anywhere from 15 seconds, under ideal conditions (outdoors with a clear view of the sky) to over a minute, under light foliage.

    Fact: Your answers, location, Medical ID (if you previously set it up in Health) and the battery level are sent.

  • 4. An Emergency SOS notification shows up on the Lock Screen to confirm that responders have been notified.
    Emergency SOS via Satellite notification
    • iPhone 14 Emergency SOS via Satellite Questions

      1. Whats Your Emergency?
      Answers: Vehicle Issue, Sickness or Injury, Crime, Lost or Trapped, Fire.

      iPhone 14 Pro Satellite Connectivity Video

      Watch this YouTube video to better understand how this new Emergency SOS option works:

      iPhone 14 Satellite Connectivity Cost

      It seems that Apple intends to make this feature a paid subscription service.

      On Apple.com we’re informed that:

      “Emergency SOS via satellite is included for free with iPhone 14 Pro for two years”

      It’s not sure about how much this service will cost, but we will update this article as soon as more info becomes available

      Why Paid? That’s mostly because not all emergency services accept text messages. For this, Apple has established relay centers. Apple-trained specialists will actually call 911 on your behalf!

      What do you think about this new iPhone 14 satellite connectivity feature? Do you have any questions? Share your feedback in the comments.

      Related: Other iPhone 14 features that you might be interested in are:
      Always On Display
      Dynamic Island
      – Crash Detection and more.