How To Use The New macOS Monterey Screensaver

macOS Monterey Canyon screensaver

macOS Monterey Canyon screensaver

Did you know that Apple has included a new macOS Monterey screensaver in the public release of macOS 12.0.1? It depicts an immersive experience of the underwater canyon found in Monterey Bay, California, USA.

macOS Monterey Canyon ScreenSaver

The new screen saver is a continuation of the stock macOS 12 wallpaper, that’s automatically displayed after Macs are updated to macOS Monterey.

In fact it’s an animation, the reconstitutes an underwater trip of an AUV (Autonomous Underwater Vehicle) in the deep waters for Monterey Bay, as reported here:

It appears that the Monterey.saver package found in /System/Library/Screen Savers/Monterey.saver contains an file that contains the mapping of the Monterey Canyon.

How To Set macOS Monterey Canyon Screensaver

macOS Monterey screensaver

  • Open System Preferences.
  • Click on Desktop & Screen Saver.
  • Select Screen Saver, in the horizontal tab bar.
  • Scroll for Montery. Click its thumbnail to select it.
  • Tip: Make sure that the ‘Show screen saver after x minutes’ option is checked!

How To Run macOS Monterey Screensaver

As usual, to allow the screen saver to show up you have to stop interacting with your MacBook for the amount of the time that you’ve configured in settings.

Fact: Playback continues until you move the mouse, touch the trackpad or any key!

Do you like the new macOS Monterey screen saver? Are you still using screensavers on your Mac? Which is your favorite one. Use the comments section and let us know.

Related: macOS Screensaver not working? This is caused by a serious macOS 12.0.1 bug that renders all photo screen savers unusable!