Game Quit Unexpectedly on Mac After macOS Ventura Update?

game quit unexpectedly macos Ventura

Civilization VI quit unexpectedly macos Ventura.

Game quit unexpectedly error on Mac after macOS Ventura update? Your favorite games keep crashing and are unplayable? You’re recommended to click Report to see more detailed information and send a report to Apple? You’re not alone!

Game Quits Unexpectedly on Mac?

This issue has been reported by Braxton:

“Civilization VI quit unexpectedly error in macOS Ventura! I updated too soon! Nooo. Is there a way to downgrade?”

We’ve found similar complaints on Reddit:

“Experiencing repeated crashes of Civilization VI since macOS Ventura.”

How To Fix Games Crashing in macOS Ventura

In most cases you have to be patient until the developer releases an update that integrates the specific game with the new macOS Ventura arhitecture.

Nevertheless, there are a few tips that you can apply:

1. Free Up Resources

Most, often games quit unexpectedly on Mac when there’s not enough memory available. Games that aren’t updated for macOS Ventura don’t seem to manage memory good enough.

You can help prevent these crashes by quitting other resource intensive software on your Mac while gaming. For example you should quit apps like Photoshop and even the Unity game engine. (Thanks StillSpaceToast for the tip.)

2. Reinstall Game

Some games will stop crashing if you delete and reinstall. However, if you save the game, quit and attempt to return it will crash again.
Civilization VI is unplayable in macOS Ventura until a patch is released.

List of Games Crashing in macOS Ventura

If you’re encountering similar problems with other games please share them in the comments and we will update them in this list:

Have you managed to fix games crashing on Mac in macOS Ventura? Do you have a better solution or other problems to report? Share your feedback in the comments!

Related: For more macOS 13 issues and the available workarounds check our extended review.