Face ID Not Working On Lock Screen In iOS 17 (Beta 5)

face id not working ios 17

Face ID not working iOS 17

Face ID not working on Lock Screen after iOS 17 Beta 5 update? iPhone not unlocking? It happens randomly, 50% of the time and only on Lock Screen? Face ID authentication within apps or Apple Pay work normally?

Face ID Not Working iOS 17 Bug?

enter passcode field ios 17
This issue has been reported by Miles (Beta 5):

“Face ID failing randomly for me, like very second time I want to unlock iPhone it fails to authenticate!”

This looks like an iOS 17 Beta 5 specific bug. I’ve found many similar reports on Reddit:

“Hi, is anyone having issues with Face ID in the latest beta? I have an IPhone 11 Pro and Face ID in most cases does not unlock my smartphone.”

On Lock Screen the lock just loads as if it is scanning the face but it doesn’t complete the task. Or, there is no feedback at all indicating that a scan failed and all you see is the padlock at the top.

Fact: Apparently, this bug affects older iPhone models like the 11 Pro, 11 Pro Max and the XS. Are you also affected? Confirm it in the comments. Don’t hesitate to mention your iPhone model and any other relevant info.

How To Fix Face ID Not Working In iOS 17

Apple will have to fix this in the next beta, until then you can use your Apple Watch as workaround:

  • Open Settings and go for Face ID & Passcode.
  • Turn On Unlock with Apple Watch.

Have you managed to fix Face ID issues after iOS 17 update? Do you have a better solution or similar problems to report? Share your feedback in the comments!

Related: For more iOS 17 Beta 5 issues and available workarounds check our extended review.