Messages Not Showing On Mac? Chat Not Scrolling ? (Fix!)

messages not showing up properly macos sonoma

Messages not showing up properly macOS Sonoma issue?

Messages not showing up properly on Mac since macOS Sonoma update? Conversation not scrolling all the way to the end and the last chat bubble is not readable? It hides behind the text input field? You’re not the only one!

Messages Not Showing Up Properly On Mac?

This issue has been reported by Alice:

“I’m unable to scroll a conversation in Messages until the end. The last part of the conversation is hiding and inaccessible. I can tell that there is a blurred bubble in the background, but I can’t get to it!”

We’ve seen similar reports across the web including Reddit:

“It’s not possible to scroll down and check the latest messages. (MacBook Pro M1 Pro)”

How To Fix Messages Not Scrolling All The Way On Mac

Apparently this is a day-one macOS Sonoma Messages bug. Apple will have to fix it in an upcoming update! We’ve reported it via the Feedback app and it’s got the following registration no.: FB13224024.

Until then, use the following workarounds:

1. Reload Chat

This glitch should be easily fixed by exiting the current conversation and reopening the thread back. Scroll should work properly during the second attempt.

2. Reopen Messages

If that’s not the case, force quit Messages from the Dock and start the app fresh.

How to: Right-click on Messages app icon in the Dock and use the Quit option to force close the app. Wait a couple of seconds and reopen Messages. Is the thread fully scrollable now?

3. Restart Mac

Last but not least, booting your computer might clear these minor macOS Sonoma glitches and thus allow all messages to be visible in a conversation!

How to: Click the Apple logo in the top-left corner of the screen and go for Restart…

Have you managed to fix Messages chat not scrolling until the end? Do you have a better solution or other Messages related problems to report? Share your feedback in the comments!

Related: More macOS 14 issues and their workarounds are tracked in our extended review.