Notification Center Not Working, Broken iOS 17 Issue?

notification center not working ios 17 issue

Notification Center not working iOS 17 issue

Is the Notification Center not working properly after updating iPhone to iOS 17? You need to slide for it multiple times to display and when it does, it shows up broken, stretched, overlayed basically unreadable?

Notification Center iOS 17 Issue?

This problem has been reported by Valerie (iOS 17 RC):

“Notification center is glitchy. I need to swipe several times to open it and when it does, it’s broken, unreadable!”

We couldn’t replicate this unexpected behavior, but have found similar reports on Reddit:

“Broken notification summary when playing music.”

Fact: It appears that the Notification Summary won’t open properly when Music or other media is played on the device and the Now Playing widget is active! Are you experiencing the same glitch?

How To Fix Notification Summary Not Working

We’re currently waiting for more feedback regarding this issue.

Tip: if you’re in an urgent need of reviewing the Notifications Center stop music or media playback on your device to force the Now Playing widget to hide!

More: If the above doesn’t help, also try to reboot your device. A fresh start might flush any minor glitches that could prevent the Notification summary from displaying properly!

Have you managed to fix the Notification Summary not showing properly in iOS 17? Do you have a better solution or other problems to report? Share your feedback in the comments!

Related: For more iOS 17 issues and available workarounds check out our detailed review!