Apple ID Greyed Out In Settings On iPhone In iOS 17? (Fix!)

Apple ID greyed out in settings

Apple ID greyed out in settings

Apple ID greyed out in Settings on iPhone after iOS 17 update? Can’t access the tab for iCloud+, Media & Purchases and other Apple ID related settings? Here is what you can do to fix it!

Apple ID Greyed Out In Settings?

This issue has been reported by Kedar (iOS 17 RC):

“The tab with Apple ID, Cloud+, Media and Purchases are greyed and I can’t seem to access them in this build.”

We have found similar reports on Reddit. However, this is most likely not an iOS 17 bug, but a setting that has to be adjusted!

How To Fix Apple ID Greyed Out Settings?

apple id greyed out settings fix
In most cases the Apple ID settings are inactive if there’s a restriction enabled on your iPhone or iPad. Proceed as follows:

  • 1. Open Settings and tap on Screen Time.
  • 2. Go for Content & Privacy Restrictions.
  • 3. Scroll for Account Changes.
  • 4. Select Allow instead of Don’t Allow.

Did you manage to fix Apple ID greyed out settings on iPhone and iPad? Do you have a better solution or other problems to report? Share your feedback in the comments!

Related: For more iOS 17 issues and available workarounds check out our detailed review.