Personal Voice Not Working, Not Generating? Stuck At 0%?

personal voice not working ios 17

Personal Voice not working, not generating.

Personal Voice not working on iPhone after iOS 17 update? You’re unable to configure this new Accessibility feature? Getting a blank screen? Voice not generating and is stuck in the ‘Setting up your session’ state? You’re not the only one!

Personal Voice Not Working in iOS 17?

personal voice generating 0%
This issue has been reported by Marcus:

“Personal voice is available for me but I’m not able to configure it. It’s stuck on ‘setting up your session’!”

We couldn’t replicate this problem but have found similar complaints on:

“Personal Voice not loading. When I go to create my personal voice it just stays at 0%.”

and Apple’s discussion forums:

“…when attempting to create it, a blank popup appeared with only a cancel button, and unfortunately, the process failed.”

How To Fix Personal Voice Not Generating

This is a new feature and it might include its fair share of glitches until Apple will manage to fine tune it in the upcoming iOS 17 iterations.

In the meantime, try these troubleshooting tips:

1. Reboot iPhone

The first thing that you should do if Personal Voice glitches out during setup is to restart device. A fresh start might clear minor bugs and allow the voice to be generated!

Tip: Use the force restart trick!

2. Connect iPhone To Charger

Next, be aware that Personal Voice generating process only kicks in when device is connected to a charger. This is a long process and Apple doesn’t want to deplete your device’s battery while your away from the charger.

Tip: We recommend you to use wired standard charging. MagSafe tends to overheat the device and generating the Personal Voice uses resources and might add to the heat!

3. Place iPhone Face Down

An user mentioned that Personal Voice generated successfully only after placing the phone face down, to make sure that the Always On feature is not interfering with the process!

Have you managed to fix Personal Voice issues on iPhone in iOS 17? Do you have better solutions or other problems to report? Share your feedback in the comments!

Related: Personal Voice not available in Settings? This might be caused by hardware limitations. Check the compatible devices here!