Tag: Bluetooth

iphone working as personal hotspot

How To Use Your iPhone As An Internet Hotspot

I’m sure that we can agree upon the fact that Internet is a permanent part of our lives nowadays. The majority of homes, offices and other locations that we spend our time in, are equipped with Wi-Fi hotspots. Even buses, trains or parks are starting to provide connections to the online medium. That’s simply because…

apple watch features when iphone not in range

10 Apple Watch Features That Work Offline

Apple’s new gadget impresses when it comes to the amount of functions available on such a small wrist-held device. By now, we’re all aware that a compatible iPhone is required. An iPhone 5 or newer, running at least iOS 8.2 is needed to pair the Apple Watch with. This allows the smartwatch to use resources…

apple watch airplane mode

Turn On Airplane Mode on Apple Watch

Here is a precious piece of information, just in time for those of you that already received the Apple Watch and plan to travel via airplane. Because this revolutionary smartwatch is a gadget, that allows you to perform phone calls, send messages and use an extended range of wireless communications, you’ll have to turn it…