Advanced Data Protection Not Available In iCloud? (iOS 16.2)

advanced data protection not available

Advanced Data Protection not available

Are you getting Advanced Data Protection not available error when you try to turn On this new iOS 16.2 feature? You’re asked to wait until a future deadline to be able to activate it? Or you’re informed that this privacy option is not yet available in your country?

Advanced Data Protection Not Available?

This issues has been reported by Steve (iOS 16.2 RC):

“Can’t enable Advanced data protection on new 14 Pro. It tells me to wait until January. Anyone else?”

We’ve found similar complaints on Reddit!

The Advanced Data Protection Not Available popup informs:

“Because you recently added this device, you can’t turn on Advanced Data Protection until January 14, 2023. This wait time helps protect your account and data.”

The same prompt should be displayed to all new iPhone, iPad and Mac owners. Please confirm it in the comments. We do recommend you to try to enable the feature again after the public release of iOS 16.2.

Advanced Data Protection Greyed Out?

advanced data protection not available in your country
You’ve browsed for Settings -> Apple ID -> iCloud -> ADP and Turn On Advanced Data Protection is grayed out?

This happens if you’re not from the United States! Apple informs that this new privacy feature will be exclusive to the US this year and will become available worldwide in early 2023.
advanced data protection greyed out
This should be also confirmed by a message at the top of the screen informing:

“Advanced Data Protection is not yet available in your country or region.”

Advanced Data Protection Not Working?

advanced data protection not working remove device
This feature can’t be enabled if you have other devices added to your Apple ID that haven’t been updated to iOS 16.2, iPadOS 16.2, macOS 13.1, watchOS 9.2, tvOS 16.2, HomePodOS 16.2 or later!

You’re asked to update your devices!

This means that if you own a 2017 MacBook Air, that’s stuck with macOS Monterey, you won’t be able to use this feature on your Apple ID?

Workaround: You can bypass this limitation by removing the older devices from your Apple ID.

Fact: It’s unclear yet if macOS 12.6.2, and iOS 15.7.2 will include security updates that will make older devices compatible with this iCloud privacy feature! We’ll update this article as soon as more info is available!

Have you managed to turn on Advanced iCloud Data Protection after iOS 16.2 update? Do you have a better solution or other problems to report? Share your feedback in the comments!

Related: For more iOS 16.2 features please check our extended review available here.