How To Fix Messages Badge Won’t Go Away (Wrong Count)

Messages badge count wrong

Messages badge count wrong

Is the Messages badge count wrong on your iPhone or iPad? The red badge, displayed in the top-right corner of the icon, won’t go away? It indicates that you have a set amount of unread texts in Messages, but you don’t seem to find any in the list?

How To Fix Messages Badge Won’t Go Away

Sometimes you might have unread texts in iOS 15 or iPadOS 15 but you aren’t able to spot them because you’re using the Filter Unknown Senders feature.
how to disable filter unknown senders
A Filters option becomes available in the top-left corner of the Messages home screen. If you select ‘Known Senders’ or ‘Unknown Senders’ you will exclude some of the texts from showing up. Always use the All Messages view!

In most cases, this is the main reason for the Messages badge to appear to be stuck displaying an unread number! You can disable it in Settings -> Messages -> Filter Unknown Senders.

How To Fix Messages Badge Count Wrong

how to read messages with Siri
If you’re using iMessages and SMS a lot you might have missed out reading some of the older texts and thus the red badge is still hovering over the icon.

You can use Siri to quickly fix this. Command:

“Hey Siri. Read my unread messages!”

As soon as your virtual assistant performs the task the Messages badge should go away!

Extra Fix For Messages Badge Stuck On iPhone

Check the other devices that are using the same Apple ID. It could happen that some texts are marked as Unread on an iPad, and due to some sync problems they can trigger the red badge in the Messages app on your iPhone.

Thanks Isolde for sharing your case:

“I found the problem was caused by iMessages being marked as Unread on ANOTHER synced device, in my case, the iPad. After I read all messages on the iPad, the Messages badge immediately disappeared on the iPhone. I don’t know how they get out of sync, but that fixed it.”

How To Turn Off Messages Badge

how to turn off messages badges
If the problem persists and you’re dealing with a temporarily iOS glitch that can be fixed with a force restart, you can disable the Badges feature, until a fix becomes available.

Open Settings and browse for Messages -> Notifications. Use the toggle next to Badges to disable the feature.

Have you managed to fix Messages badge count issue on iPhone or iPad? Did the tips provided above help out? Do you have a better solution? Use the comments section and share your feedback.

Related: Messages Read status not syncing between your Apple devices? Here is how to fix it!