App Store Redeem Code Not Working: Cannot Connect Error

App Store redeem code not working

App Store redeem code not working

Is your App Store redeem code not working? Do you get the App Store Cannot Connect error after you enter code and tap Redeem? This issue can have several causes. The most common troubleshooting steps are provided in this article.

How To Fix App Store Cannot Connect Error

app store cannot connect error

1. Check Internet Connectivity

First of all, make sure that your iPhone’s web connectivity hasn’t crashed form the time you opened the App Store Redeem section.

Open Safari and perform a search on to make sure that your device has Internet access.

Fix: If it doesn’t open Control Center and make sure that Wi-Fi and Cellular data connectivity is enabled. Check your carrier signal and the Wi-Fi hotspot.

2. Reboot Device

If the problem persists restart iPhone, iPad or Mac.

A fresh start could flush any minor glitches that could prevent your device from connecting to the Internet or the App Store from working properly.

3. Check For App Store Downtime

Apple’s servers might encounter problems and the App Store functionality could experience problems.

Open Apple’s system status page and check if there’s any reported issue in the App Store section.

Fact: If a problem is reported, you have to be patient and try again later.

4. Upgrade Or Downgrade Software

If you reached this stage and are still getting the App Store cannot connect error when trying to redeem a code, you should also check for a software update.

For example, devices running the iOS 16 Beta are seeing the cannot connect error when trying to redeem codes in the App Store. This functionality seems to be not working for test versions.

If your device is running a beta version you might have to downgrade back to the most recent public version (iOS 15.5 at the time of writing) or be patient until a new beta version is released that might allow for App Store codes to be redeemed!

Did you manage to fix App Store redeem codes not working? Do you have a better solution? Use the comments section and share your feedback.

Related: App Store downloads not working? Here is how to fix them!