iPlugmate Not Working On iPhone After iOS 16 Update? (Fix!)

iplugmate not working ios 16

iPlugmate not working iOS 16

iPlugmate not working on iPhone after iOS 16 update? You’re not able to backup iPhone with HooToo flash drive anymore? App crashes on startup even after updating to iOS 16.1 and 16.1.1? You’re not alone!

iPlugmate Not Working With iOS 16?

This issue has been reported by Tat:

“I am not able to use the app called “iplugmate” which was USB for iPhone after update to IOS 16.”

We’ve found similar complaints on Apple’s Discussion forums:

“When I open the IPlugmate app it disappears immediately. I am trying to backup my iPhone 12 to my HooToo flash drive but without IPlugmate working properly, I can’t backup my iPhone.”


“Like many I just update my iOS on my iPhone and iplugmate stop working immediately after flashing up”

iPlugmate Not Available On App Store?

Apparently, the app has been also removed from the App Store. We’re trying to look for an update that could bring iOS 16 support to the software, but got the App Not Available error.

Try it yourself. Here is the direct App Store link.

How To Fix iPlugmate Not Working On iPhone

We would normally recommend you to offload and reinstall the app, or completely delete and reinstall it. But because iPlugmate is currently missing from the App Store, we recommend you to avoid this troubleshooting option.

The only way to be able to fix iPlugmate on iPhone is to downgrade to iOS 15. Yes, it’s still possible. You need a computer (Mac or Windows), Finder / iTunes software and a Lightning to USB (USB-C) cable.

iOS 15.6 RC is currently the only signed iOS 15 version. A step-by-step guide for reverting is available here.

Have you managed to fix iPlugmate not working with iOS 16? Do you have a better solution or other problems to report? Share your feedback in the comments!

Related: For more iOS 16.1.1 problems and their available workarounds check our extended review.