Siri Not Working iOS 16 Issue? iOS 16.0.3 Too? (Fixed!)

siri not working iOS 16

Siri not working iOS 16

Is Siri not working after iOS 16 update? iPhone recognizes Hey Siri command, but that’s all? Any other commands or requests are ignored? Siri replies “Working on it”, “Still working on it” and similar fails. Keyboard dictation not working either. iOS 16.0.3 doesn’t fix it either?

Siri Not Working iOS 16 Problem?

This issue has been reported by kyratypes on our iOS 16.0.3 review page:

“Siri not working anymore after update. restart doesn’t fix it! help!”

We couldn’t replicate the issue on our devices, however we’ve found numerous other similar reports. The Hey Siri problem has been initially reported during the early iOS 16 beta stages on Apple’s Developer forums:

“Siri does not work on ios 16”

Multiple other complaints have been raised on Reddit ever since:

  • 1:

    “Installed iOS 16 and now Siri won’t work. I’ve restarted, hard reset, disabled/re-enabled etc. Nothing seems to fix it…‘Sorry something went wrong. Please try again’…”

  • 2:

    “Siri completely stopped working with iOS 16”.

  • 3:

    “IOS 16, Siri and Dictation Not working…They try to, then just tell me ‘working on it’, ‘Something went wrong’…

How To Fix Siri Not Working iOS 16.0.3 Issue

Apparently, Apple is aware of this issue and is working on a fix that will be provided in a subsequent software update.

Until then you can try the following workarounds, that have worked for other users with iOS 16 Siri problems:

1. Change Siri Language

An easy fix requires you to change the language for Siri from English US to English UK, for example:
siri language change ios 16

  • Open Settings and scroll for Siri & Search.
  • Tap on Language.
  • Switch to English (United Kingdom).

    Fact: Be aware that changing Siri’s language will automatically turn off Hey Siri. You will have to train Hey Siri again by turning the feature back On in Listen for “Hey Siri”. Setup Hey Siri by following the on-screen prompts!

2. Change Siri Voice

Some users have mentioned that they managed to make Siri work on English (United States) language setting too. For this you have to:
siri voice change ios 16

  • Tap on Siri Voice in Settings -> Siri & Search. It’s automatically set to British (Voice 1), after the change performed at Fix No. 1.
  • Select American (under Variety) and Voice 2 (under Voice).
  • Test if Siri is still working.
  • Revert to English US language and you should be good to go.

3. Reinstall iOS 16

If Siri is still not working after performing the above workarounds you should clean install iOS 16.0.3 or whatever version your iPhone is running when this bug occurs.

Users have reported that they’ve managed to fix Siri and dictation problems this way. It’s an annoying fix, but reinstalling iOS using a computer might help you fix other iOS 16 glitches too.

All that you need is a computer (Mac or Windows) and a Ligthning to USB cable to ensure the wired connection!

Tip: Perform an encrypted iPhone backup, before proceeding and follow the step-by-step guide available here.

Fix Siri Not Working Video

For even more details watch our YouTube video:

Fix Keyboard Dictation Not Working

Speech to text is troubleshooted in a similar way:
ios 16 keyboard dictation fix

  • Open Settings app and browse for General -> Keyboards -> Add New Keyboard.
  • Select English UK or whatever else suits you.

    Fact: Keyboard dictation should work now too, as long as you maintain the English UK keyboard selected.

    Tip: You can quickly switch between keyboards with the help of the globe icon, available in the bottom left corner of the screen. Tap to switch between English US and English UK or touch & hold for more options.

Have you managed to fix Siri not working iOS 16.0.3 problem? Do you have a better solution or other bugs that you need help with? Share your feedback in the comments.

Related: For more iOS 16 issues and their available workarounds please check our extended review available here.