How To Fix iPhone Add Number Not Working In iOS 14 Phone App

Add Number grayed out in iOS 14 Phone app

Add Number grayed out in iOS 14 Phone app

Is the iPhone Add Number feature glitching out in iOS 14? Are you trying to save a number in the Phone app but the Create New Contact / Add to Existing Contact quick action menu is grayed out and unresponsive? This minor bug has surfaced for us in iOS 14.3. Thankfully, it can be easily fixed!

Causes for Add Number Bug

add number not working in iOS 14
Apparently, the Phone app has some issues of detecting if a phone number is already assigned to a contact or not. It sometimes falsely displays the Add Number option, below a phone number that’s already saved in Contacts. In this case the ‘Add Number’ option should be replaced with the [contact name].
Fact: If you tap on ‘Add Number’ in this case, the Create Contact quick actions menu fails to display. A misaligned gray box is shown instead!

How to Fix Add Number Not Working

Whenever the Add Number feature doesn’t work, you have to force close the Phone app, wait a couple of seconds and open it back. Type the phone number again. This time the [contact name] should be displayed instead of the blue Add Number option.
Tip: You can double-tap the phone number and select Copy, before you force close the Phone app. After you open it back, tap the screen area, located above the numeric keypad and use the Paste option to quickly input the copied phone number.

Extra Fix

If Add Number is still not working after force closing the Phone app, you have to reboot your iPhone. A fresh start should clear up this minor glitch.
How To: Use the force restart trick described here.

Are you also encountering the Add Number bug in the iOS 14 Phone app? Use the comments section and share your feedback. Did you find a better way to fix this? Don’t hesitate to mention!

Related: Other common iOS 14.3 bugs are:
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