Tag: Tricks

pokemon go level 30

10 Tricks To Rapidly Collect Experience Points And Level Up In Pokemon GO

Pokemon GO is the game of the moment and everyone wants to perform well and be competitive in the shortest amount of time. After you learn the basics and become and expert in catching Pokemons you’ll soon discover that a very important aspect of the game is to increase your PokeTrainer level. This is done…

flareon a rare pokemon go fire species

10 Tips To Efficiently Track And Catch Pokemons

Pokemon GO has a very easy and interactive gameplay. However, if you’re a first timer you might welcome these tips that will rapidly improve your PokeTrainer skills and help you not to waste time with figuring out how to hunt and catch these fantasy pocket monsters. Especially now with Nintendo’s overcrowded servers, trying to figure…

apple earpods connected to iphone

7 iPhone Tricks Available With Apple EarPods

There are a lot of iPhone users, myself included, that don’t have a habit of using the original Apple headphones. The EarPods, as they’re called, are delivered together with the smartphone, when you initially purchase it. However, many iPhone owners prefer to use their gadget together with third party headphones, simply because they find the…

fifa 15 launch screen

iOS FIFA 15 Ultimate Team Review

FIFA 15 Ultimate Team is an EA Sports franchise of the most popular soccer (football) simulator, available on the App Store. It’s in fact the top soccer video game worldwide, no matter on which platform it’s run or what controls are used for playing it. You can dribble, slide, pass and shoot with your favorite…

iphone radiation exposure

13 Tricks To Lower iPhone Radiation Exposure

Studies come up with contradictory results when it comes to cell phone radiation. No direct link has been yet established between prolonged radio frequency exposure and a fatal illness, but it’s common sense to claim that extended smartphone radiation exposure can’t bring any benefits! There are numerous cases when mobile phone users complain of headaches,…