Tag: Contacts

ios 9.1 show contact photos option

iOS 9.1 Show Contact Photos Setting

The 2nd beta for the iOS 9.1 firmware has been released a few hours ago, along with the public iOS 9.0.1 update. We’ve installed this 2nd developer beta on our test device and noticed that it comes with stability improvements and performance enhancements. If you follow us, you already know that iOS 9.1 will add…

iphone active call keypad screen

How To Save A Phone Number During An iPhone Call

While performing mobile phone calls, there’s often the case when you’re involved in an ongoing conversation and you need to save a new number, provided by your call partner. Let’s assume that you don’t have anything else nearby and your only solution is to save the string on your iPhone. If you’re new to iOS…

whatsapp friends message rankings

How To Check Your WhatsApp Best Friends

Today I learned that one of the most popular cross-platform messaging applications, WhatsApp, comes with a hidden feature that lists a top with your most frequent conversation partners. The Facebook-owned software tracks and counts all text messages saved in your chat history, WhatsApp web included! If you check this secret stat, you’ll instantly have an…

apple watch locating your position

Send Your Location With A Messages Apple Watch Trick

When you’re traveling and want to meet someone, or you’re having incoming visitors and wish to help them out, to reach your home or current whereabouts, you can efficiently use your Watch OS device to send detailed location details. This will prompt your Contact or text conversation partner with your exact geographical coordinates, pinpointed on…

viber for ios version 5.4

Viber Adds The “Chat While You Call” Feature

The developers of the popular VOIP calling and instant messaging app have released version 5.4 of Viber for iOS. This update brings a few important and welcomed additions. One of the most notable is the “Chat While You Call” feature. With the help of it, you can use Viber’s both main functions in the same…