Tag: iPod

Mac mirroed on iPad to increase screen size.

How To Use Your iPhone Or iPad As Secondary Mac Or Windows Computer Screen

This is a trick for the iOS power users! Did you know that you can stream the display of your Mac or Windows computer on your iPhone or iPad? This feature practically allows you to extend the screen size of your desktop or notebook. If one smart device isn’t enough you can mirror the computer’s…

ios temporarily remove apps to install software update

iOS Temporarily Deletes Apps To Free Up Space To Install Software Update

Insufficient storage space is a very common issue for iPhone users. The majority of Apple smartphones sold worldwide are the basic storage models. 16GB space is very low nowadays, considering that iOS alone needs a few gigabytes to deploy. Apps and media can easily bring you to a storage space crisis. So, what can you…

just 5 animation

Can You Complete Just 5 Escapes?

It’s time to credit yet another iOS developer for releasing a new and exciting game on the App Store. Just 5 is an addictive puzzler aimed for your iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch! Christian Strang, the owner of Simple Play Studio, has developed this game, that’s very simple to play, but in the same time,…

ios 9 app thinning demo

iOS App Thinning Feature Available With 9.0.2 Or Later

The much awaited App Thinning feature promised by Apple during WWDC 2015 is finally available for all its iOS devices. The system can be used if your gadget runs iOS 9.0.2 or later and is probably a “lame” excuse for maintaining the entry 16 GB storage capacity for the newly released iPhone 6S units. However,…

ios 9 flight data detector feature

Track Airplanes With The iOS 9 Flights Data Detector Feature

Until now, tracking airplanes on your iPhone was only possible with the help of third party App Store apps like FlightRadar24! Apple plans to change this as a new function available with the upcoming iOS 9 has been recently uncovered, on the Apple discussion forums. It’s called Flight Data Detector and has the role to…