Tag: App

human anatomy atlas 2018 app store sale

Flash Sale: Human Anatomy Atlas 2018 For iPhone And iPad (Save $24)

A hot sale is currently available in the App Store and it will interest especially those iOS owners that are working or are interested in the medical field. The Human Anatomy Atlas 2018 app for iPhone and iPad has just been heavily discounted from $24.99, down to $0.99. This means that you can save a…

spotify iphone battery usage stats

Turn Off Spotify Background App Refresh Feature To Significantly Save iPhone Battery

Prolonging the iPhone’s battery uptime is still a goal for most of us. With the huge amount of hours spent on the smartphone nowadays, battery lasting time is still a top priority. The easiest way to increase the iPhone’s durability in terms of power is by analyzing the main consumers. This info is available within…

ios 11 move multiple apps at once

The Select And Move Multiple Apps At Once On iOS 11 Home Screen Trick

Organizing apps on your iPhone and iPad Home screen is about to become a lot more efficient in iOS 11. The upcoming operating system finally allows users to select and move multiple app icons at once. That’s great for app grouping and folder repartitions. Gone are the days when you had to drag and drop…

iphone dial button 3d touch options

3D Touch The iPhone Dial Button For Extra Call Options

Force Touch technology is still relatively new for iPhone owners and it often happens for us to discover new shortcuts, in buttons that we did not consider to deep press before. iOS 10 has significantly expanded the use of 3D Touch gestures and we anticipate that this year’s iOS 11 will continue the trend. Until…

FamilyTime iOS app blocker feature

Use iOS Parental Control To Limit Your Kids’ iPhone Screen Time

According to a report by Piperjaffray.com, 67 percent of teens own an iPhone. Whereas, 74 percent want their next phone to be an iPhone. This shows how popular Apple’s smartphones are. On average, kids reach the age of 8, they start demanding a phone and they are more than eager to receive an iPhone. To…