Tag: Tips

iPhone X displaying in Grayscale to save battery

7 iPhone X Battery Saving Tips To Maximize OLED Display Efficiency

The iPhone X ships with an impressive battery autonomy as Apple’s 2017 flagship hosts a 2716 milliamperes per hour power unit. In fact, the 10th anniversary iPhone packs two batteries that sum up the capacity mentioned above, which is slightly larger than the 2691 mAh available on the iPhone 8 Plus. However, the iPhone X…

iPhone X Super Retina OLED display.

5 Tips To Preserve The Quality Of The iPhone X Super Retina OLED Display

The iPhone X is the first smartphone manufactured by Apple that ships with an impressive OLED display. Its predecessors have all be equipped with LCD screens. The main hardware difference between the two is that the LCD requires a backlight panel to light-up the screen, while OLED emits light through each pixel. A series of…

256 gb iphone x silver

Hot Tip To Maximize Your iPhone X Pre-Order Success!

The iPhone ‘Ten’ pre-sale is a few hours away and I’m ready to share with a great hint that could ensure your success in the upcoming iPhone X pre-order rush. I’ve already written an article, almost a week ago highlighting 5 essential tips for maximizing your chances of being able to book the edge-to-edge OLED…

iphone x pre-order promo

5 iPhone X Pre-Order Tips For Worldwide Apple Fans

The 10th anniversary iPhone is only a few days away from reaching the hands of the first Apple customers that will be lucky enough to grab it. If you want to be one of the early adopters here are a few tips that will help you to maximize your chances. In case you’re not aware…

iphone 7 6-element camera lens

16 Tips To Shoot Photos By The Book With The iPhone 7

Apple has recently launched a new section on their official website called Photography How To. It comes with a series of video tutorials about how to correctly snap pictures with the iPhone 7 and 7 Plus flagships. Some tips can be applied to other iPhone models as well. They start with basic hints, that are…