Tag: Android

smartphone security

Are iPhones Really More Secure Than Android and Windows Smartphones?

In a recent report on the number of smartphones users around the globe, industry analysis firm Statista revealed that, as of 2018, there will be 2.53 billion smartphones owners on the planet. This figure will rise further to an estimated 2.71 billion in 2019, with an increase again in 2020 to 2.87 billion smartphone users….

How to send and receive iMessages on an Android smartphone.

How To Receive And Send iMessages From An Android Smartphone

The iMessage system is an iOS, macOS and watchOS exclusive instant messaging feature, allowing Apple customers to chat, play, send Animoji and even pay money to their iOS customers, free of charge, with the help of the new Apple Pay Cash feature. Android has failed to replicate a similar service for Samsung, Google Pixel and…

Google Appsperiments for iOS.

Google Releases Selfissimo, Scrubbies And Storyboard Photo & Video Apps

Google has just rolled out three mobile apps that come along a photo & video testing project, called “appsperiments”. The company aims to explore the potential of mobile photography. The new software is available on both iOS and Android platforms and facilitates testing of various technologies like object recognition, stylization algorithms, person segmentation, efficient image…

Facebook Messenger Kids screenshots.

Facebook Rolls Out Messenger Kids For iOS And Android

Facebook is now rolling out a new app in the App Store! This time the social media giant, from Menlo Park, is launching a project for children under 13, labeled Messenger Kids. It’s the mini version of Facebook Messenger, that gives parents total control on which Contacts the children can interact with. Facebook sees it…

spotify winter holidaysSpotify winter holidays 3-month subscription deal.

Spotify And Apple Music Offer Discounted Subscriptions During Holiday Sales

The two biggest music streaming platforms for mobile devices have launched promotional campaigns aimed to attract new and returning customers during the 2017 winter holidays. Spotify is currently the leader topping over 100 million active monthly users and is now offering a 3-months subscription for $0.99. Nevertheless, you have to be a first time user…