Tag: Limit

app store popup confirming 150mb download limit

Apple Raises The OTA App Store Cellular Download Limit To 150MB

Most of us don’t even allow our iPhones to download or upgrade apps from the App Store when Wi-Fi connectivity isn’t available. That’s because Wi-Fi networks are very popular nowadays and Cellular data connectivity burns both extra battery and eats up on your carrier’s data plan. However, if you’re away from a wireless hotspot for…

woman tapping on iphone

Trick To Send More Than 20 Photos At Once When Using iMessage

Not sure if you noticed, but iOS comes with a limitation when using the iMessage media sharing feature. The opportunity of sending free messages, often encourages iPhone and iPad users to share photos and videos with each other. With generous carrier data plans, offered nowadays, you don’t even need to be tied to a Wi-Fi…

pokemon go speed limit warning

How To Get Past Pokemon GO Speed Limit Warning

Pokemon GO is the most popular mobile game of the moment, especially because it’s played outside and can perfectly mix with your real life. It can blend that good, that some Trainers can’t refrain from hunting the fantasy creatures while driving. This is obviously forbidden by common sense, traffic rules, you name it. In a…

iphone se sar value

iPhone SE The Third Highest Radiating Model Ever Released by Apple

There is nothing more important than health. Although there is no medical study linking cancer or other illnesses with cell phone radiation exposure, it’s common sense that exposing your head and body to a source that’s bombarding your cells with electromagnetic radiation can’t bring any benefits. More, iPhones and other smartphones are new from the…

twitter message character limit ios update log

Twitter Lifts 140 Character Direct Message Limit

The popular social networking service has just performed an important update to its direct messaging feature. Twitter‘s trademark status updates and messages between users, also known as tweets were limited to 140 characters, since the founding of the platform, back in 2006. However, in an attempt to keep up with the facilities provided by competitors,…