Tag: Shortcuts

3d touch menu for folder badge notifications

Did You Know That You Can 3D Touch A Folder With Badge Notifications?

If you’re new to iOS, or just upgraded from an iPhone 6 or older, to the iPhone 6S or newer, you’re now the proud owner of 3D Touch technology. You could be somewhat familiar with it if you already own an Apple Watch, but you surly aren’t fully aware about all the hidden shortcuts that…

apple watch control center in watchOS 3

watchOS 3 Brings New Control Center To Apple Watch

The 3rd watchOS generation is a major update to the Apple Watch operating system. It comes with a large list of new features as well as many changes and redesigned functionality for the existing ones. We previously shown you the new role of the wearable’s Side Button and the introduction of the Apple Watch Dock….

ios 9 keyboard cursor trick

iOS 9 Trick To Control Keyboard Cursor

Moving the cursor around your iPhone’s screen is much more easier in iOS 9. With the previous versions you had to press, hold & drag the cursor in the desired position. This is still available, but selecting a text, editing and moving it has become much more easier. In the previous iOS versions, your finger…

vulcan hand emojis via ios keyboard shortcut

Add Vulcan’s Hand Emoji To iPhone Keyboard

iPhone fans from the Reddit community have discovered an useful glitch within iOS 8.3, which allows you to add your own Emojis to the built-in iOS keyboard. The trick works with the help of the predefined keyboard shortcut system. Whenever you stumble upon a smiley face that you fancy and it’s not included within the…

ios mail swipe to trash

Enable The Swipe To Trash iOS Mail Gesture

It’s common nowadays to own a crowded email account. If you’re an iPhone or iPad user which added his Gmail account to the built-in iOS Mail app, you might be annoyed that the swipe-left gesture doesn’t delete the selected mail. Instead, this shortcut sends the selected entry to the Archive. Basically your message remains unscathed…